UCED group established a division Nová energetika

May 14, 2021

The new division covers the comprehensive offer of decentralised energy of the UCED Group. It also includes the establishment of a central trading and fault dispatching centre from where Nová energetika will service and trade all the defined distribution territories of the UCED Group in the Czech Republic.

The establishment of the new division is a reaction to the ongoing changes in the energy sector, which include the transition from the classic central energy sector with large power plants to a new decentralised and greener energy sector.

Decentralised energy solutions include the use of flexible sources of electricity and heat generation and the creation of virtual aggregated blocks. These include cogeneration units, photovoltaic plants or other electricity generating sources. Appliances can also be involved in the control of the electricity system - charging stations for electric vehicles, electric boilers, pumps, as well as air-conditioning and ventilation systems. Battery systems and energy use of hydrogen are also an integral part of our solutions.

The new energy system, together with the stable distribution of electricity, gas and heat, will ensure the maximum use of synergies in the UCED energy group and offer complete energy services to our customers.

The Nová energetika division is located in the PIANO Administrative Centre in České Budějovice, where the UCED grouphas extended its lease space.