Virtual avatars in Brno at Hackathon with Lifeliqe

March 1, 2022

The technology company Lifeliqe from the CREDITAS investment group organised a Hackathon on the topic "Virtual avatars Not Only in education" from 25 to 27 February. CREDITAS Bank was a partner of the event.

The participants developed their projects on the most modern display devices. They had virtual reality glasses, so-called holographic boxes, and touch screens. The teams developed projects focusing on educating or playing cooperative games using virtual avatars and 3D graphics with a connection to virtual and augmented reality.

The creators of the best projects were recognized at Sunday's closing ceremony. The committee evaluated not only the resulting projects, but also the individual work of each participant. The first-place award — a VR headset — went to a team of students and computer science teachers from the Higher Vocational School in Sezimovo Ústí. Together, they created a VR simulation for teaching the basics of algorithms to young children.  One of the most interesting projects was a game system for players to collaborate using mobile devices and VR headsets. 

“An avatar is a virtual character in the gaming world that is controlled by the player and represents him/her in the environment of the game. Recently, however, this trend has also spread to the education sector for children and adults, where avatars are guides, tutors, or teachers who mediate a certain amount of knowledge to the user,” explains Matouš Tlapák, COO of Lifeliqe. Through modern technologies, Lifeliqe can help Czech industry with training employees and obtaining a qualified workforce. 

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