Virtual reality by the startup Lifeliqe from the CREDITAS group can be useful for kidney treatment

September 7, 2022

Virtual reality has significant potential firstly for the development of the healthcare industry and at the same time for people who take advantage of VR and its possibilities. This fact has also been asserted by the representatives of the Czech technological startup Lifeliqe from the CREDITAS group. During this year, they travelled several thousand kilometres across the US. The director of the Czech division of Lifeliqe Matouš Tlapák and the VR development leader Michal Mizerák participated in many events, conferences and expositions in the US about innovations in human resources development.

For example Lifeliqe participated in the ANNA (American Nephrology Nurses Association) conference in Dallas. Nephrology is a branch of medicine concerned with kidney diagnosis, treatment, transplantation and dialysis. The retraining courses of Lifeliqe include also courses for dialysis technicians. The number of people suffering from chronic kidney diseases is increasing worldwide. For example in the Czech Republic, every ninth person likely suffers from them. The problem is that the symptoms are usually not evident until the kidney performance drops below 25 percent. So when the patient consults the doctor, the kidney failure is already irreversible in many cases.

“The increase in kidney diseases is a driving force behind the rising demand for dialysis technicians having a high-quality training. They are irreplaceable in the healthcare for patients that undergo operations for kidney failure or disfunction. So these qualified experts operate and monitor the dialysis devices in medical facilities under supervision of nurses and doctors – nephrologists,” said Matouš Tlapák, the director of the Czech brand of Lifeliqe.

The future belongs to certified specialists

“As we can see in many analyses, in the upcoming era just one profession for life is a thing of the past. To gain new working skills really fast there are ‘non-degree credentials’ available – certified courses with no degree for the applicant after having successfully passed the course. However, the applicant gains practical knowledge and skills. In addition, the applicant obtains a certificate that enables him/her to apply for a job in a completely different field. So the applicant can increase his/her salary and in fact his/her own standard of living as well,” the director of Czech branch of Lifeliqe explains.

Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality (MR) – their role in the human resources field is getting more and more important. Today there are several studies indicating that these technologies are very effective for learning and training. These benefits range from lower expenses of employers for training to a higher efficiency when preparing employees for hazardous work. The aim is to reduce errors causing material damage or injuries. Job candidates and participants in retraining courses can take advantage of the virtual reality to learn about tools, techniques, routines and risk procedures relevant for the specific position.

They start up a new carrier in few weeks or months

The projects that looked like science fiction a few years ago have now become reality in some US states. Thanks to Lifeliqe, among others. The company succeeded in Nevada under the goverment-sponsored programme SANDI (Supporting and Advancing Nevada’s Dislocated Individuals). This programme improves the employment rate in the southwest of the third most populated country in the world.

In selected states (including Nevada), it is more and more often libraries that are the first step in the new career. They are much more efficient than employment offices that are not rated very well, even in the United States. For this purpose, the libraries use the so-called ‘one-stop centres’.

“Similar projects are a very valuable inspiration for the Czech labour market as well. The State of Nevada has invested considerable financial resources into these programmes and some other states like California, Washington and Oregon gradually follow this line,” Matouš Tlapák explains.


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