Kilmarnock Energy Centre
About Kilmarnock Energy Centre
BESS is progressing the development of a world leading battery storage project located within East Ayrshire, on an agricultural field situated approximately 250 metres (m) to the north of the existing Kilmarnock South Substation. The site comprises a parcel of land at Braehead Farm, on the left bank of the Cessnock Water. The Site boundary totals 15 hectares (ha), with a total development build area of circa 5 ha.
The Kilmarnock Energy Centre project will consist of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with a rated electrical output of up to 1000MWh (up to 500MW).
A submission has been made to the Energy Consents Unit under the Electricity Act 1989 s36 application in Scotland. The circa £300m project will provide power to over 450,000 homes once fully complete.
Community Benefits
Kilmarnock Energy Centre will bring significant local community benefits, including:
Facilitating skilled, direct, and indirect construction jobs, and long-term jobs to manage, maintain, and operate the facility.
A variety of local supplier and service businesses will be used to support the project throughout construction and operations.
Lowers consumer energy bills via economies of scale cost efficient balancing of green power.
A link to the Kilmarnock Energy Centre planning submission documents on the Energy Consents Planning portal can be found at this location:
Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details